...these streets will make you feel brand new, these lights will inspire you...

...these streets will make you feel brand new, these lights will inspire you...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Jay's Guide to Happy Life

This is kind of an awkward subject to talk about, but I feel compelled to share it.  A few weeks ago, I had a bit of a mini-revelation, realizing that I'd let my busy schedule, my stress about school, the constant digging up of emotion we do in class, and the self-consciousness that comes with living in this city and being a performer get to me.  I'm not always the person I really want to be; sometimes I look at myself (my attitude, the way I act toward others) and I'm a bit disappointed. So I spent that night praying and thinking, and I came up with this list:


1. Wear a rubber band on your wrist- Each time a negative thought enters your mind, snap the rubber band against your wrist. It's gonna sting. But you'll be amazed how quickly you stop thinking negatively. And it will help you realize how much negative thoughts you could get rid of during a day.
2. Devote yourself to what you do, whether it be school or work. No one can be fully satisfied halfway doing anything (If you can, you've got bigger problems than me). Take time each day to genuinely work on your 'craft' (And if you don't have a 'craft', get one!)
3. Confidence. You were created- CREATED, different from anyone else in the world. Special. Believe it.
4. Caring, Sympathetic kindness. Make an effort to become known for the good person you are.
5. Low, steady voice. This is kind of a personal one for me. Letting your voice give over to higher pitches shows insecurity. It's a problem of mine.... You can ignore it if you want. Awkward.
7. Smile! Make constant eye contact. Don't be afraid to touch people.
8. Be mysterious. It makes you all the more interesting.
9. Run from stereotype- Defy it!
10. Express yourself. It's a cliche, sure. But get out what you're feeling in some way: Sing, play, embrace your emotions.
11. Never be bored. Play a game. Ride a bike. Fly a kite. Make a painting. Read a book. Write a book. Etc.
12. Move on. One of my favorite quotes: "I chose and my world was shaken- So what? The choice may have been mistaken. The choosing was not. You keep moving on."
13. Trust in God. I guess if you're not 'religious', you can skip this one... but I wouldn't recommend it. There is nothing more true or real in my life than this. There is no one that gives me more comfort or hope or joy. "Come to me all you who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

There you go. Take it or leave it. It's a big list with some tall orders, I know. And I definitely can't say I've been successfully living by each rule and having a perfect life since. But I put it up on my wall. And I will be reminded of it during the day (usually when I'm messing up!). And step by step I'm working on it. And maybe, hopefully I can display the person I was created to be, the person He wants me to be, just a little bit better each day.

Video/Song I'm currently listening to on replay:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Two Adventures

Oh it's been a craaazy time. School is rushing by me- I was informed by someone today that there are only 17 school days left of this term. That's INSANE. Where has the time gone? I've certainly learned enough. Notebooks full of fantastic exercises, tips, techniques, approaches... I am truly thankful for the experiences I've had this semester. I've been challenged, changed, bettered. And still a month  to go!

The staff certainly seems aware that time is running out. My calendar has never been so full in my entire life; pathetically it's all school assignments. Oh well. I guess I asked for it.

Meanwhile there have been many crazy adventures to contend with outside of  my institution of learning as well. Recently, Amy, Julie, and I strolled out of the apartment and just as the door slammed shut I decided to ask, "You've got the keys, haven't you?". They hadn't, and the door had now locked automatically. It was Saturday and our Super doesn't answer calls on weekends. We went on with our lunch plans (locked out of an apartment is no reason to not eat), and after much deliberation decided there was a simple solution: Knock on the door of someone living above us (none of whom we've met) and ask if i can climb through their window and shimmy down the fire escape into Julie's window. I tentatively knocked on the door of the apartment above us. When it opened, my request was immediately granted by three 20-something dudes: "Sure! No problem! This isn't the first time!" (Which begs the question: Who ELSE have they let climb down the fire escape into apartments??). The endeavor was a total kick-awesome success, of which I'm very proud, and I managed to get invited to a party in the process. Chyeah!

Today I went to Madison Square Park with two friends during our break. It was just a random decision, but it turned out to be THE BEST decision of the day: We sat down in the middle of the park, and not ten minutes later a man set up right in front of us with a big bucket of suds and a homemade wand; he was blowing giant bubbles! It was amazing, and the three of us watched and clapped and cheered as he showed off his bubble-making skills- I think we were more excited than the many 5-year-olds gathered to watch. After awhile he asked the most wonderful question I've ever heard: "Is there anyone who'd like to try?" Our hands shot into the air so fast we had no choice but to leap up after them. I know I sound a little ridiculous, but really. It's the little things. Magic moments. Those are the things that keep you sane, make your life a happy experience. It's something I've always believed in: You can look all around you and find wonderful experiences, amazing little things to see that can brighten your whole day. I think things like that are miracles.

There's much more to tell, not enough time. I have an 11 hour day at school tomorrow. Yes, you read that correctly. An ELEVEN HOUR DAY. With that, I bid you all goodnight. I will write again soon. :)