...these streets will make you feel brand new, these lights will inspire you...

...these streets will make you feel brand new, these lights will inspire you...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Days are Here Again...

Anyone who knows me well knows that I am completely, totally, and irreversibly in love with Glee. There is something magical about this show, and the whole world has noticed it. It deals with so many issues, from the trials that go along with adopted children and their biological parents to the disintegration of a marriage, and it somehow manages to be the most relatable show on television while being, essentially, a high school musical. The first couple of episodes of Season Two (which just began) had left me with a rather dissatisfied taste in my mouth. Glee had been phenomenal, entertainment industry-changing in its first season, but the transition into the sophomore season had been a little rough to start. But then came last week's episode. It was back. It was strong. It was dynamic, engaging, moving. It was Glee, reinstating itself as the show that's here to stay. The profound effect this had on me led me to consider just what makes a great Glee episode.

In the first several episodes of this season, Glee had struggled with various things left behind by the previous season. They were awkward, and no one seemed to know just how to handle them. The show had struggled to start anew, a necessary task for any renewed show, and it had a little trouble finding its feet in its new circumstances. New characters had shown up, and they took adapting to. New situations, stories had begun and the uncertainty of what was to come was almost tangible.

Then they accepted it! They adjusted to the changes. They adapted. They worked it. They looked all the new, uncertain things about their new season in the face and said, "We're going to face you, head on." And, baby, did it work. Of course, it wasn't all perfect- would an all-perfect show even be an interesting show? There were strange, uncomfortable moments (Santana and Brittany??!!), big risks (the removal of a super-popular character- I'll say no more); but they faced them and addressed them. Most importantly, they kept going forward. They didn't let any of the uncertainties, insecurities, or more difficult situations bring them down- they let them take them higher. And they delivered an episode that could honestly be called fantastic.

It is always amazing to me how much art can reflect life. What's more, we can even learn from art. Here I am thousands of miles from anything I've ever known, in New York City, living on my own. Everything about my life has changed. There have been awkward things left over from my past experiences that I've had to deal with. There have been new characters. There have been uncomfortable days when nothing felt right. My goodness, there have been changes! There were times when I figured I was resigned to a dissatisfying experience, the changes were just too much to adapt to.

But that's not me. Not anymore. I am here, on this earth, to enjoy and fulfill every possible minute of my life. This is a mantra that I've realized over the course of the past couple years, and it's not just from me- God didn't make us to be dissatisfied. So I adapt to those changes! I face those situations! I respect them because they make my life as interesting as it could ever be! And I pray each night that I will use the next day to be productive, uplifting, HAPPY. It's not always easy as pumpkin pie. There are still uncomfortable moments, even just last night, and there are still risks that have to be taken. But there's nothing that says we have to be brought down by those things. Instead we can love them because they are the experiences that make our lives, and we find joy in working through them on our way. I've talked before about Glee's famous platform of Don't Stop Believing. It is the heart and soul of that show. They lost track of it a little bit when they started their new season. You can't blame them. It's easy to lose sight of things for a bit when you're adapting to new situations. Trust me. I know. But those words are just as true today as they were when they first sang them. Don't Stop Believing.

And, of course, that is the final element of what makes a great Glee episode, and a truth that I fully believe in and endorse: Always have a fantastic song in your heart, and sing it so the world will hear. A song that helps you remember to love each moment, embrace your life for all it's worth. That's what they did, using as their inspiration two women who famously always supported the happiness cause. Ten points to anyone can say who those women are.

Happy Times. Happy Night. Happy Days are Here Again.

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